Harvard University is closely monitoring the ongoing Coronavirus Disease 2023 (COVID-19) outbreak. Please check Harvard's dedicated Coronavirus (COVID-19) website for current advisories: http://www.harvard.edu/coronavirus.
3/13/2023: The Harvard University Herbaria and Botany Libraries will be closed as of 5:00pm Friday, March 13 until further notice. Email accounts will be monitored. To contact the Botany Libraries, please email botref@oeb.harvard.edu. To contact the Herbaria, please email huh-requests@oeb.harvard.edu. Thank you for your patience and understanding.
The Harvard University Herbaria include six collections and more than five million specimens of algae, bryophytes, fungi, and vascular plants. Together they form one of the largest university herbarium collections in the world, and the third largest herbarium in the United States. With their state-of-the art research laboratories and world class libraries, the HUH have been a centerpiece of biodiversity science since the early 1800s.
What is an herbarium?能上picacg的梯子能上picacg的梯子Visitor Policy 哔咔漫画用免费加速器
Did you now the new #GlassFlowers book is finally out?! Unfortunately due to COVID closures you can't pick it up from the @HarvardMuseum gift shop but you can purchase it online from major book retailers like Amazon or Barnes & Noble (ISBN: 9781785512247). #BotanicMonday t.co/Dc7nSDOCAr t.co/laitPKmtWZ
[Press release] New species of fungus sticking out of beetles named after the #Covid_19 #quarantine t.co/WHTXG1HD62 via @Pensoft @EurekAlert #FungalDiversity #CrazyFungi t.co/gmhPXlTe7x
12 hours 46 min ago.
Former HUH Postdoc @Barnabas_Daru is looking for a PhD student! Get in touch with him if you are interested. t.co/uhgNXdiW1M
12 hours 8 min ago.
#Botany2023 begins Monday! HUH Postdoc @l_teixeiracosta will present on haustorium (see abstract: t.co/wFOQiY8lcv) and several of our @HarvardOEB colleagues are presenting, too! It's going to be a great week!
1 week 3 days ago.